- February 24th through March 11th – Butterbraid Sales for Easter. Pick up on March 18th. Please complete this Butterbraids Order Form and submit to the school with your payment made out to Bethany. You may use this Butterbraids’ Spring 2025 online link to order and pay the company (Integrity) directly. Or you can complete the paper form that is sent in your child’s backpack along with your payment made out to Bethany.
- March 5th, & 6th – Trike-a-Thon. Come join us at Bethany Busy Bee and cheer for your child while they participate in the Trike-a-Thon course in the gym. This event promotes Health and Wellness through physical activity, while having lots of fun. Children may ask for sponsors to donate either per completed lap or a flat donation for the Trike-a-Thon. More details will be sent home. We would love to have volunteers to help placing stickers after each lap, and recording the total stickers each child collected. Please document your volunteer hours on the Visitor’s/Volunteer’s Sign In Sheet at the entrance. Thank you so much for your support! To volunteer, please sign up using this link: Trike-A-Thon Volunteer
- March 10th & 11th – Dental Screening Children will receive Free Dental Screenings at the school. If you wish to opt out of getting your child’s free dental screening, please fill out the form and send back to Bethany Busy Bee using the following link: 2025 Dental Screening Opt Out Form
We would love to have volunteers to help shuttle children to and from class to dentist and to assist children with dentist. Please document your volunteer hours on the Visitor’s/Volunteer’s Sign In Sheet at the entrance. Thank you so much for your support! To volunteer, please sign up using this link: Dental Volunteer
- March 10th (week of) – Science: Rainbows and Light
- March 13th – Lunch & Learn “Raising Responsible Kids'” with Jack Lipski from 12:00 to 1:30 pm. Learn four steps to helping your child become responsible. Please RSVP by Tuesday, March 11th to schedule proper staffing for childcare. Please list the children’s name and ages under comment. Childcare and light snacks are provided. Please bring a lunch for your kids staying for Lunch Bunch or childcare. Everything is complimentary. We look forward to seeing you! To RSVP by Tuesday, March 11th, please use this link: Lunch and Learn March 13th
- March 10th thru 14th – Act of Kindness. Children will make a bag with a special item and hand them out to someone they choose to brighten their day with their Act of Kindness. Families may add to the bag to personalize the bag for the person the child chooses to give it to (grandma, neighbor, a cousin, a friend, store clerk etc.).
- March 12th, 13th, & 14th – School Pictures (with Cap and Gown for the kids that will be moving on to Kindergarten or First Grade). Retakes on _______. If you would like to volunteer to help shuttle kids from the classroom to the photographer and then back to class again, please use this link to sign-up: Photo Day Volunteer
- March 14th – Parent’s Night Out from 4:30-8 pm with Merry-Andrew Afoot skit. Enjoy a parent’s night out, while the kids have fun at Bethany Busy Bee. We will have fun with games, art, music, dinner, gym play, and Veggie Tales. Children between 0 – 11 years old are welcome to participate.
$30 for the first child, $20 per additional child, with a maximum of $60 per family. The price includes a child’s dinner: chicken nuggets, mac-n-cheese, and apple sauce. Please include any allergies.
Only 50 spots available!
Please sign up by Friday, March 7th to secure your spot: Parents Night Out 2025
- March 17th & 18th – St. Patrick’s Day Celebration The kids get to go on a hunt for gold coins.
- March 19th & 20th – Kindergarten Lemonade Stand starting @ 12:15 pm
- March 24th through March 28th – NO SCHOOL, Spring Vacation