Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center

November 2024

  • November 1st – Wall of Fame  To honor our veterans, we would love to display a picture of your family members who are in the military or once were in the military. If we could have the pictures before Nov. 2nd, we will post them in the foyer. We promise to return the pictures.
  • November 4th & 5th – Science:  Weather & Seasons
  • November 6th – Picture Retakes
  • November 6th – Lunch and Learn “Understanding Your Child’s Temperament” with Jack Lipski, M.A. Marriage and Family Therapist from 12:00 to 1:30 pm. We are “knit together in the womb.” Both our physical and temperamental characteristics are genetically determined. We cannot change these characteristics, but we can help our children learn to control, compensate and enjoy these characteristics. Please RSVP by Monday, November 4th, to allow us to plan accordingly for childcare. Please list the names and ages of the children under comments and send a lunch with your kids. The entire event, food for attendees, and childcare is a gift to you, your family and friends. To RSVP, please use this link:  Lunch & Learn November 6th
  • November 6th & 7th – Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Packing Community Service from 11:00 to 1:45 pm Join us for a shoe box packing on either day or both if you’d like.  We will offer free lunch bunch for those participating over the lunch hour and provide lunch for the volunteers. Please sign up so we can have appropriate staff for childcare with this link:  Operation Christmas Child @ Bethany Busy Bee . Thank you for your participation with our community service project!
  • November 8th – Parent’s Night Out with Nature’s Educator Animal Presentation. Enjoy a parents night out, while the kids have fun at Busy Bee! We will have a presentation by Nature’s Educator Animal Presenter, games, art, music, dinner, Veggie Tales, and gym play (please wear gym shoes). Children between 0 – 11 years old are welcome to participate.  Please include any allergies.

    $30 for the first child, $20 per additional child, up to $60 max per family. You may pay online or at the school. Please talk to Joyce about scholarships or discounts.

    Only 50 spots available! 

    Please sign up by Monday, October 28th to secure your spot:  Parents Night Out 2024

  • November 11th & 12th  – Veterans Day Presentations. A special veteran guest comes into Bethany Busy Bee to speak to the children about the meaning of Veteran’s Day.
  • November 12th & 13th – Butterbraid Sales for Christmas goes out. November 12th through December 10th – Butterbraid Sales for Christmas. Pick up on December 17th. Please complete this Butterbraids Order Form and submit to the school with your payment made out to Bethany. You may use this Butterbraids’ Fall 2024 online link to order and pay the company (Integrity) directly. Or you can complete the paper form that is sent in your child’s backpack along with your payment made out to Bethany.
  • November 13th & 14th – Vision Screening  Children will receive Free Vision Screenings at the school. If you wish to opt out of getting your child’s vision please fill out the form and send back to Bethany Busy Bee using the following link:  Vision Screening Opt Out Form  

We would love to have volunteers to help shuttle children to and from class to vision screening and to assist children with vision screening specialist.  Please document your volunteer hours on the Visitor’s/Volunteer’s Sign In Sheet at the entrance.  Thank you so much for your support! To volunteer, please sign up using this link: Vision Volunteer

  • November  14th – Lunch & Learn “Kindergarten Readiness” with Leah Martin (from Ambleside) and Mrs. Amy Pyne from 12:00 to 1:30 pm. Please RSVP by Tuesday, November 12th. Let us know under comments the names and ages of the children that will be staying for Lunch Bunch or in childcare.  Please bring a lunch for the children. The entire event, food, and childcare is a gift to you, your family and friends. We look forward to seeing you there. Please use this link to RSVP:  Lunch & Learn November 14th
  • November 18th and 19th – Merry Andrew Afoot presenting “Stone Soup” at 10:45 am. This is a special skit presented for the children at Bethany Busy Bee. Parents welcome.
  • November 18th through 22nd – Silent Auction – Closes on Friday, November 22nd at Midnight. Pick up Silent Auction items in the office starting on December 2nd. If the bid items you won are not picked up or paid for by the week of December 2nd, then the bid will go to the next winner in line. When bidding, please remember that this is a fundraiser for Bethany Busy Bee.
  • November 20th & 21st ~Thanksgiving Feast at 11am:  You and your loved ones are cordially invited to join us for a Thanksgiving Feast. The children will make “Stone Soup”. We would love to have some volunteers to help with making soup, setting up and cleaning up. To sign up to volunteer, please use this link:  Thanksgiving Feast Volunteers
    • Wednesday, November 20th – MWF classes
    • Thursday, November 21st – TTH classes
  • November 25th through November 29th – NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Vacation