Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center

Children and Family Ministry Schedule

Welcome to our Children and Family Ministry at Bethany Evangelical Free Church

Click here to see Bethany’s 2024 Summer Reading Program

Joyce Bertram is the Director of both Bethany Busy Bee Preschool and the Children and Family Ministry at Bethany.  There is no need to be a member or attend Bethany, kids are always welcome to participate in all our services, activities, and events.

We WELCOME Ages 0 to 5th grade

Sunday School Family Registration-fillable

Parents may drop off or join in. There is no need to be a church member to participate. 

Parents will be texted if a child is not doing well, therefore, please make sure you completely fill out the sign in sheet.

Sunday Morning Schedule:

Multi-age club for preschool and elementary kids, G-FORCE!, available during 9:00 adult bible study groups.

Childcare and Sunday school classes offered during our 10:45 service. For more information on Bethany please visit the website

All staff, volunteers, and elementary children will verify health by signing designated health form found in the lobby.  Current and up-to-date guidance issued by the health department will be adhered to.

Early Childhood: Nursery birth-2 years old / Preschoolers 2-5 years old

Room #222 / Room # 219

Parents will sign preschool aged children and younger in at the room by filling out the health survey at the door.

After service, parents can pick up their children in the classroom.

Elementary:  K – 5th grade

Children in elementary grades will start in the sanctuary with their families, then meet in the lobby after being dismissed from the service. Before going to the classrooms for their lesson, children will visit the restrooms and wash hands.

Primary: grades K- 2nd

Sunday school wing- room 262

Intermediate: grades 3rd – 5th 

Sunday school wing- Treehouse room 300

After service, parents can pick up their elementary kids on our playground or in the lobby during cold or inclement weather.

Thank you.

New Bible Buck Incentive! Elementary kids can earn bucks to spend at our Store.  See this link to learn how: Bethany Bible Bucks

Your health and safety are important to us!

We request children be kept at home after experiencing  or   receiving treatment for the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 100.4 degrees or above. Child needs to be fever free for 72 hours without medication.
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • New loss of taste or smell

These other signs of illness will require the child to stay at home until symptom free for 24 hours:

  • Cough
  • Chills
  • Muscle aches
  • Sore throat
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Discharge from the nose that is yellow or green in color
  • Questionable rashes
  • Pink eye
  • Any sign of illness