Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center boasts highly qualified and experienced staff. Each staff member meets or exceeds State Early Learning Standards. Teachers are required to have extensive experience and education in Early Childhood, and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center Statement of Faith
We Believe:
- We believe in one God, Creator of all things, holy, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in a loving unity of three equally divine Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Having limitless knowledge and sovereign power, God has graciously purposed from eternity to redeem a people for Himself and to make all things new for His own glory.
- We believe that God has spoken in the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, through the words of human authors.
As the verbally inspired Word of God, the Bible is without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for salvation, and the ultimate authority by which every realm of human knowledge and endeavor should be judged. Therefore, it is to be believed in all that it teaches, obeyed in all that it requires, and trusted in all that it promises. - We believe that God created Adam and Eve in His image, but they sinned when tempted by Satan. In union with Adam, human beings are sinners by nature and by choice, alienated from God, and under His wrath. Only through God’s saving work in Jesus Christ can we be rescued, reconciled and renewed.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is God incarnate, fully God and fully man, one Person in two natures. Jesus-Israel’s promised Messiah-was conceived through the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father as our High Priest and Advocate.
- We believe that Jesus Christ, as our representative and substitute, shed His blood on the cross as the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice for our sins. His atoning death and victorious resurrection constitute the only ground for salvation.
- We believe that the Holy Spirit, in all that He does, glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ. He convicts the world of its guilt. He regenerates sinners, and in Him they are baptized into union with Christ and adopted as heirs in the family of God. He also indwells, illuminates, guides, equips and empowers believers for Christ-like living and service.
- We believe that the true church comprises all who have been justified by God’s grace through faith alone in Christ alone. They are united by the Holy Spirit in the body of Christ, of which He is the Head. The true church is manifest in local churches, whose membership should be composed only of believers. The Lord Jesus mandated two ordinances, baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which visibly and tangibly express the gospel. Though they are not the means of salvation, when celebrated by the church in genuine faith, these ordinances confirm and nourish the believer.
- We believe that God’s justifying grace must not be separated from His sanctifying power and purpose. God commands us to love Him supremely and others sacrificially, and to live out our faith with care for one another, compassion toward the poor and justice for the oppressed. With God’s Word, the Spirit’s power, and fervent prayer in Christ’s name, we are to combat the spiritual forces of evil. In obedience to Christ’s commission, we are to make disciples among all people, always bearing witness to the gospel in word and deed.
- We believe in the personal, bodily and premillennial return of our Lord Jesus Christ. The coming of Christ, at a time known only to God, demands constant expectancy and, as our blessed hope, motivates the believer to godly living, sacrificial service and energetic mission.
- We believe that God commands everyone everywhere to believe the gospel by turning to Him in repentance and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that God will raise the dead bodily and judge the world, assigning the unbeliever to condemnation and eternal conscious punishment and the believer to eternal blessedness and joy with the Lord in the new heaven and the new earth, to the praise of His glorious grace. Amen.
All of the staff of Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center have been fingerprinted. The Colorado Bureau of Investigation has completed a background investigation clearing each of them for employment in a childcare environment. The employees are registered with the Central Registry of the Department of Human Services, and have the education and training required for teaching or assisting in a preschool.
We have 2 staff members assigned to each classroom; and, in order to comply with childcare regulations designed to protect the children, the integrity of our school, and our staff members only group leaders are allowed be left alone with any child or individually assist with bathroom breaks or needs. For everyone’s protection, we do not allow male staff or volunteers to be left alone with any children.
Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center complies with applicable federal and state civil rights laws and does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, creed, political beliefs, or disability, treatment or participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits under any of its programs, services and activities in employment and enrollment.
Joyce Bertram, School Director
I have been the Director at Bethany Busy Bee since 2001, after serving several years as a substitute and teacher. I have a Masters Degree in Education and was at the University of Illinois for 13 years as the coordinator for training for people in the field of disabilities. We moved to Colorado in 1996 to be near family. I have been married to Dan since 1984 and we have 3 children, Liz in Seattle with a graduate degree from Mars Hill; Daniel here in the Denver area with a degree from the University of Colorado; and, Sam now a graduate of Arapahoe High School and at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. In addition, my family includes Dan’s two older children who live in the Midwest with their families; and, Bev & Shannon who have lived with us since 1990. I am involved with Moms in Prayer and at Bethany with Women’s Ministry, the Disability Ministry, and Early Childhood programs. It is a privilege and delight to be serving you and your children.
Marlene Fallt, Teacher for 2 1/2 – 3 Year Olds
I have been a teacher at Bethany Busy Bee since 1983, and am group leader certified by CDHS. I love being able to teach children about Jesus and see them learn and grow. I want every child to have the opportunity to discover their skills and talents. I’ve had the privileged to be able to teach in many instances up to three generations of families.
Kay Mack, Teacher for the 4-5 Year Olds
I have taught for more than 20 years and have been a teacher at Bethany Busy Bee since 2009. I have an associate’s degree in early childhood education from Hesston College, KS and a bachelor science in elementary education from Messiah College, PA. My husband, Rich, & I have been married since 1993. He is a mechanical engineer and we have 3 adult children. I enjoy reading, watching a good movie and spending time with my family and friends. Not only do I want children to learn social skills, self-help skills, and color identification, my primary desire is for preschoolers to know how much God loves them! We have a lot of giggles in our class as we enjoy acting out Bible stories through drama. I look forward to getting to know you and your child this year.
Amy Pyne, Kindergarten Teacher
My family and I have been with Bethany Busy Bee since 2016. We always joke that we would all live at Bethany Busy Bee forever if we could! They say “ It takes a village to raise a child” and we found the greatest village with Busy Bee! I remember dropping my son off for the first day of school and thinking, “I really believe they might actually love my child as much as I do!” We love the beautiful hearts of the staff and the way they are all lovingly shepherding the hearts of the students to Jesus! I am so excited to officially join the staff in 2019 as a Kindergarten Teacher! I received my Bachelor of Arts in Musical Theatre from Ouachita Baptist University and then received another degree in Russian Theatre and Culture from the Smolny Institute at Saint Petersburg State University in Russia. I have taught preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and adults in the areas of Music, Theatre, Dance, Art, Literature, History, and Foreign Language. I am so excited to get to work with your precious Kindergarteners!
Becky Hammer, Teacher for the 4-5 year olds
My name is Becky Hammer, I started working at Bethany Busy Bee as an Assistant Teacher in 2022. In 2023 was my first year working as Lead Teacher for the M/W/F classes. I am delighted to have your precious child in my class! I have been semi-retired for over 5 years previously working in corporate asset management which opened the door to serve many communities throughout the U.S. and worldwide. I have had the opportunity to share life with mom’s and children walking alongside pointing them to Jesus. Mentoring and discipleship is primary in my life and the lives of my family. Working at Bethany Busy Bee provides the ability to serve and share the love of Jesus with those I interact with. My desire working with children and their families is to offer a loving, supportive, caring, and a kind environment which enables children to thrive. When parents and caregivers walk through the doors of Bethany Busy Bee, they know it is a genuine place – full of love, joy, patience, kindness, and laughter.
Laurel Fenoglio, Teacher for 3-4 Year Old Class
Hello! I’m Laurel Fenoglio, but everyone calls me Mrs. Laurel. I started at Bethany Busy Bee as an Assistant Teacher in August 2022 when my youngest was in 6th grade and I wasn’t finding many volunteer opportunities at his school. So I found myself here, where I’ve felt God pulling me for some time. I have 4 children ranging from 13-23 years old, all who went to Bethany Busy Bee. As a mom, I really loved my children’s pre-school years filled with wonder and learning, so Bethany Busy Bee was a natural landing spot for me.
I love working with children in the classroom helping them discover and learn about the incredible world around them, and creating a joy and desire to continue to learn and grow not only in education but also in relationship with God. I also enjoy giving them the encouragement and confidence to try new things, and help them succeed, resulting in self-confidence that can be carried with them all of their days.
I would like kids to remember me for making learning fun, helping them create, my love for them and my love for our God, and my favorite phrase “You did it!”. I want families to know that I am dedicated to partnering with them to support their child and family in education, faith and friendship.
I attended Ball State University School of Nursing before moving to Colorado with my husband and starting a family. Aside from being stay home mom and raising my own 4 children, I have always been active in volunteering in my children’s classrooms over the years and I have headed up our elementary school PTA’s major fundraising events and other school-wide events. I also volunteer in Kids Ministry and Moms Group events at our home church and I also lead my daughters’ Girl Scout Troops for several years. As a family we enjoy traveling to the mountains and the beach, four wheeling, finding ice cream shops, cuddling with our 4 cats, and watching movies is a big family favorite too.
It is a joy to watch my own kids grow up and fly, and being at Bethany Busy Bee fills my love for little ones as our kids grow. It is always a joy to meet sweet new faces each year! I am honored to be part of the incredible Bethany Busy Bee Staff and community and all they do!
Allison Aranda, Teacher
My name is Allison Aranda, and 2024 is my first year at Bethany Busy Bee! I am excited to be able to teach a 4/5 class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I remember years ago a friend of mine with small children (who are long since grown) talking about the magic and delight of this place called Bethany Busy Bee Preschool, and after having my daughter enrolled here several years ago, I fell in love with it as much as my friend said I would. I have a bachelors in Music and a Masters in theology and spent many years in the corporate world before transitioning home after my third (of four) children was born in 2018.
I have been involved in working with children for as long as I can remember. From teaching Sunday school through my teenage years and into today, to nannying for many years through college and my young adult life, and then teaching children’s music and leading kids choirs. I love participating in the joy and excitement that children bring to any space. While teaching formal early education is a new endeavor for me, I have long been a proponent of play based education to allow children to develop socially, emotionally, cognitively and educationally. I am also a huge proponent of books and hope that every child in my class will walk out of the year with a joy for stories, seeing that all stories point to the Gods greatest Story! I look forward to partnering with you and loving on your sweet children this year!
Gabby Ranfranz, Teacher for Toddler Classroom (18 months – 30 months)
My Name is Gabby Ranfranz, I started teaching at Bethany Busy Bee in 2023. I decided to work at Bethany Busy Bee because I love Jesus and the environment Bethany Busy Bee has cultivated for children. What I appreciate most is the teachers’ focus on building unique and personal relationships with each child they teach. What I like most is the mission for God’s kingdom in raising and loving the children who come here. Witnessing that “Ah ha” moment or revelation a child has when they learn something, I enjoy being a guide to them as they experience that beautiful moment. My philosophy is love, logic, optimism and creativity when working with the children. My hope is for the children to remember me for love and art and that the parents remember me for the comfort and safety of their children in my care. I am also a children’s dance instructor since 2019 and I help with children’s church. Currently, I am enrolled in Early Childhood education courses. I am a mother and aunt as well.
Samantha Gervais, Teacher
My name is Samantha Gervais and this is my first year at Bethany Busy Bee! I am excited to be the new MDO teacher. I love the strong sense of community amongst staff, families and children in the classroom at Bethany Busy Bees and feel God’s grace. I am so proud to be part of such a positive place.
Before God blessed me with three children, I taught Kindergarten and 2nd grade in Texas and earned my Masters in Elementary Education from Texas State University. Once my first child was born I opened up an in home preschool and currently do that part time while also teaching MDO Busy Bees. I love teaching and watching preschool children develop skills such as how to hold a pencil to write and how to hold scissors to cut. Being among these students, little human sponges, makes me feel God’s presence and keeps me awestruck each year!
Kami Weinstein, Specials Teacher and Substitute Teacher
I joined Bethany Busy Bee in 2023 as a teacher to the 4 to 5 year olds. My family and I have been a part of the Bethany Busy Bee Community since 2020 when my youngest attended Preschool, so working here when there was a need was a no-brainer for me. Our family has so appreciated the love and absolute care these teachers pour into our family and others. It’s a safe and supportive learning environment for our kids to thrive in. There is always something special to offer young learners and parents here at Bethany Busy Bee from school to Awana and summer events, families are supported. I received my Masters in Education as a Reading Specialist so I have been involved with teaching various ages (Preschool through High School) for over 15 years. I also received an ESL teacher’s certificate where I taught in Kenya for 5 years. I love seeing how much they grow as confident readers and learners. When the light bulb goes off in their minds, it’s a gift to witness. I believe children are whole persons and God has given each child unique gifts that we as teachers get the opportunity to discover and capture. I have enjoyed homeschooling my two children where we have the freedom to really enjoy learning on our own schedule and collaborating with other homeschool families. I would hope that my joy would show to each of my students and they would feel safe and valued in my classroom. My door is always open to any parent and I want the parents to know that their child is truly cherished in my classroom.
Carolyn Bateman, Teacher Assistant for Mrs. Fallt & MDO
I have been at Bethany Busy Bee since 2013 and am looking forward to the new school year. My husband and I were married for 50 years with four grown children and 13 grandchildren. We have gone to Bethany Church for over 40 years. I have worked in the Douglas County Schools as part of office help and also shadowing special needs children in elementary and middle school, which was a rich blessing. In fact, I am still friends with them today. I am looking forward to another special year with these precious young children.
Candice Craig, Teacher Assistant in Mrs. Pyne’s class
Hello, I’m Candice Craig. The kids call me Mrs. Craig. I’ve been on staff at Bethany Busy Bee helping with the kindergarten class since Fall of 2022. I love being at Busy Bee, where my own youngest child was a recipient of their love and nurturing during her preschool years. Aside from raising three of my own kids (ranging in age from 12-18), I have been working with kids for over 35 years through babysitting, volunteering at church in various classrooms, working as a coordinator at an after-school learning center through my old church, and volunteering frequently in my kids’ classrooms during their younger years. I love being at Busy Bee because it is truly a place where nurturing children in the love of Jesus is a top priority. We pray over our kids and do our best to make their time in kindergarten a memory to treasure.
Diana Paradis, Teacher Assistant in Mrs. Mack’s class
I have been a Teacher Assistant at Bethany Busy Bee since 2022. I have been working in Early Childhood Education and what I appreciate most about Bethany Busy Bee is that they love Jesus and they love children. My philosophy in working with children is that they are sponges at learning new things and yet each child perceives things uniquely different from one another. I enjoy those differences and try to teach based on those unique individual differences. The one thing I would want the kids to remember about me is that I love Jesus and for the families to know that I love their children. Besides working at Bethany Busy Bee, I am an after school program coordinator and K-1 homeroom homeschool teacher at Berean Homeschool. I have lots of previous experience working with infants through kindergarten at two preschools and one elementary school.
Brad Guderian, Teacher Assistant in Mrs. Pyne’s Class
I started working at Bethany Busy Bee in 2023. I’m a Teaching Assistant in Amy Pyne’s kindergarten class. But I have worked with kids at various times of all ages from preschool through high school in different settings for the majority of my life. Some of those have been summer camps, teaching Sunday school, high school youth group, AWANA, Whiz Kids, and North Littleton Promise. I went back to school in 1988 to study to become a secondary level English teacher. But I met my wife Toni in 1989 and ended up joining her in the work of Bible translation in Papua New Guinea from our marriage in 1991 until her death in 2022. I am still remotely working on the Koluwawa language translation (one of over 800 different languages in PNG). I really enjoy kids a lot, and they seem to like me as well. Toni would’ve said that that was because I am essentially a child myself. I think she was probably right.
Walker Nikkel, Teacher Assistant in Mrs. Pyne’s Class
I started working at Bethany Busy Bee in 2023. I really enjoy working with kids, getting to know each student, and helping them learn the Bible. My desire is for each student to feel accepted and welcomed in the classroom. One thing I hope families remember me by is that I truly care about their child. I also help with Sunday School and the after school program at Front Range Christian School. I have worked with children since I was in junior high. In addition, I have helped with Awana programs and taught Sunday School with a local Spanish church.
Nancy Lionakis, Teacher Assistant in the 4-5 year old class with Mrs. Hammer and Mrs. Hogle
I’ve been working at Bethany Busy Bee since September 2023. I was looking for a job in early childhood education and Bethany Busy Bee couldn’t have been a more perfect fit for me. I love Bethany Busy Bee because of the incredibly supportive and loving Christian community that surrounds me. I am so blessed with the opportunity to work alongside Godly women who care so deeply about the work that they are doing. I look up to every single one of them in so many ways. I have wanted to be a teacher for my whole life. I have become very passionate about laying a foundation for a child’s education that is not only strong, but centered around God. I believe that fostering a positive, loving, and Christ centered learning environment is so important especially in young children. I am inspired by the curiosity and eagerness to learn that young children possess, and I find so much joy in helping them discover the world around them. My job allows me to contribute to shaping young minds, instilling a love for learning, and teaching them about the Lord. I earned a certificate in Early Childhood Assistant Teaching in Spring of 2024 and I plan to continue my education in Early Childhood Teaching!
Charlene Vicari, Teacher Assistant in Mrs. Fenoglio’s class
I started working at Bethany Busy Bee as of January, 2024. I have a degree in aerospace engineering, and I worked as a NASA engineer before joyfully becoming a stay at home mom in 2003 with the birth of my first daughter. I have homeschooled my two children for the entirety of their educational years. My oldest, Julianne, graduated in 2021 and is now attending the University of Wyoming. My second daughter, Erica, will graduate from high school in the spring of 2024. I have worked for or volunteered with children’s programs for over two decades. Some of my previous roles include teaching Sunday school, leading Vacation Bible School programs, teaching for Classical Conversations (a homeschool group), and volunteering as a unit leader for the American Heritage Girls program. Currently, in addition to working at Bethany Busy Bee, I am working as a teacher for Artios Academies of Greenwood Village where I teach math and science to upper elementary and middle school students. I am excited to once again work with preschool children. I love their eager enthusiasm for learning!
Judy Cain, Teacher Assistant and Substitute Teacher in Mrs. Fallt’s class.
Hello, I’m Judy Cain, but everyone calls me Mrs. Judy. I worked as an elementary teacher and Dean of Students for 35 years, when I retired in 2014 so I would be able to keep my grandchildren. I became connected with Bethany Busy Bee in 2018 when my grandson started attending Bethany Busy Bee. I started as a volunteer helping out as they needed help and then moved to a substitute teacher and classroom assistant in Mrs. Fault’s classroom. I have been involved in my home church, with teaching Sunday School, as the Nursery Attendant, and being a Youth Group Sponsor. Working at Bethany Busy Bee has given me the chance to share my knowledge and the love for Jesus with these young minds. I love watching the children absorbing new skills and the love for Jesus.
Jennifer Lubken, Teacher Assistant in Ms. Fallt’s class and MDO class.
My name is Jen and this is will be my first year at Bethany Busy Bee. I am a CO native and grew up in Littleton. My husband Brian is not only my partner but my best friend, and I am blessed in that! For the last 15 years I have owned and operated a daycare in my home, working with mixed age groups from 3 months to 10 years. This has also allowed me to stay home and raise my own children. Of which I have a daughter, son and two step-daughters (And 3 soon to be 4 grandchildren!). Now that my own children are grown and have left the nest I am very much looking forward to experiencing a new setting to continue in partnering with parents in helping young children grow. Not only academically but also spiritually. I believe a good foundation in faith and knowing they are loved will equip children to step into this world with confidence. I believe both faith and love are exuded at Bethany Busy Bee! Having a strong Christ centered community to surround yourself with is so important. I attend and have been a member of the Nazarene church for over 35 years. I have volunteered in many spaces in the church. Including teaching Sunday School, Children’s Church, the nursery and VBS.
Shay Hall, CO-Teacher Toddler Class.
Hi! I’m Shay, but my little Busy Bees call me Mrs. Shay.
This will be my third year teaching the toddlers at Bethany Busy Bee, but my love of Bethany Busy Bee began back in 2013, when I walked into the doors to ask if space was available for my then 3 year old, Cameron. I walked in as an unbeliever in Christ, just needed a loving and close place for my kid to go for a few hours a day. If that meant teaching and telling my son about somebody we never talked about- so be it. I enrolled him anyway.
Little did I know that God knew exactly the place I needed to be and the people I needed to be surrounded by, for what would eventually be the scariest time of my life. Cameron had a cancer diagnosis just weeks after starting preschool and it forever changed my life, but for the good. I asked God to show me His presence the day of the diagnosis and He didn’t waste a second in revealing to me what is now the best relationship of my life. Not sure how I got through those first 26 years without Him! As of last year, all three of my boys have gone through Bethany Busy Bee and the love poured into them all was like nothing I have seen before.
My kid is now a healthy and thriving teenager and I am forever and ever grateful for the family that is under that roof – both staff and all the families I have been blessed to know and teach their littles.
Giving kids the opportunity to learn of Jesus’ love for them while in school is such a wonderful way to start their educational foundation. If we can fill their whole body, mind and soul up with scripture in our few years with them, I’m confident that when they leave Bethany Busy Bee they will still hear our songs, remember our stories and live in His way, His truth and His light!
Any questions, ask me!
Hawa Navaro, Teacher Assistant in Mrs. Fenoglio’s 3-4 year old Class.
I started working at Bethany Busy Bee in 2024. I did social work with elementary and middle schools. I felt a calling to work here because I love kids and youth. I want to foster open communication where students can feel safe in expressing their thoughts and fears. My desire to have the kids see that I am kind and feel safe with me. I really appreciate Bethany Busy Bee’s staff and the Director. I am looking forward in working with the families as I would like to be supportive to them and am an open to feedback.
Holly Donkor, Art Teacher
My name is Holly Donkor. Many students like to call me Mrs. Hool Eye. I come from a long line of Coloradans, my great great grandparents were homesteaders in La Junta and Akron, Colorado. I am a visual arts educator with over ten years experience in art education and hold a Masters of Art Education from the Rhode Island School of Design/Brown University and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Painting and Drawing from Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design. I have worked in a variety of sectors, including formal art teaching (grades 1st-8th), art teacher at an inner city arts program, and a puppet fabricator and performer. Most recently, I was completing a research grant and teaching in Ghana, West Africa. Moreover, Ghana was where I met my husband, and we started our family in 2017. Sampson is a kente weaver and we collaborated in our artistic backgrounds to mentor young Ghanaian artists.
My passion for education resides in a multi-sensory education, community based art work, and a multi-disciplinary approach, incorporating music, culture, fashion, and puppetry. My favorite bible verse is Psalms 139:14, I praise you, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, Your works are wonderful I know that full well. As an educator I celebrate His wondrous, creative work in each pupil. I love to encourage creativity and excellence, just as our Maker so graciously bestowed His love and imagination in each of us. I came to Busy Bee after hearing wonderful recommendations from friends. My daughter fell in love with Busy Bee and all the books and teachers therein. I felt at peace with the gentle nature of the staff and the love everyone has for the students and for Jesus.
Kelly Wernke, Teacher
I started working at Bethany Busy Bee in the Fall of 2024. For as long as I can remember, I have loved caring for children, and it is such a joy to get to do what I love every day. I graduated from Colorado State University in 2008 with a degree in Business Marketing, but in 2021 I began my journey to becoming a teacher. In addition to working at Busy Bee’s, I also work as a substitute teacher for Douglas County School District. However the Lord has blessed me with the opportunity to join Busy Bee, and I couldn’t feel more called. I am so excited to share God’s word, teach them to know and love him, and walk along side the children as they learn and grow.
“Children are a blessing from god, a joy to a woman, and a cause for praise” Psalm 113:9
Trinity Lewis, Teacher Assistant
I started with Bethany Busy Bee in 2024. My passion for working with children has grown through my experience as a nanny and volunteering to teach kids at my church. I’m deeply committed to showing Christ’s love to children and their families, whether through teaching, serving, or any other opportunities that arise. I appreciate the supportive environment at Bethany Busy Bee and look forward to building strong relationships with the families here, offering them whatever I have to help grow them in Christ!
Mary Dyer, Teacher Assistant
I adore children. After growing up in a large religious family and marrying into another one, I now have nearly 50 nieces and nephews! Having raised three children with my husband of 23 years, I‘m excited to be part of your journey. I earned a bachelor’s degree in history and love to read and write, particularly classic children’s literature and journaling. In the following two decades I’ve shared my core passion of music with children of all ages, as a professional voice and piano teacher.
Currently, I oversee our congregation’s children’s ministry, teaching music, planning activities, and continuously standing in awe at those little kids with grand souls. I love the arts, nature, laughter and a good nighttime routine. Here at Busy Bee, I hope to provide a safe, loving and playful presence for your children, to help them feel joy and the love of Jesus Christ, our Savior.
Proverbs 16:24 “Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones.”
Claire Gallegos, Teacher Assistant
After Bethany Busy Bee reached out to me in January 2025, I decided it was a great opportunity that fit my abilities and interests. Working as a Dance Teacher for ages 4-9 in high school, I had gained experience in demonstrating moves, making lessons fun, and helping students learn. As a graduated high school student on a gap year, I researched early childhood education as a possible career choice. I appreciate the security of a Christ-centered preschool, and look forward to assisting the preschoolers in their daily life. In my life as a Christian I do my best to emulate the teachings of Christ with love and a smile. I am told by peers and mentors that my cheerful smile is like a ray of sunshine, and I hope I can share that with the kids, staff, and families at Bethany Busy Bee.
Carlee Wilcox, Classroom Parent Coordinator
I’ve been working at Busy Bee since August 2024 as I have just started! I started working at Bethany Busy Bee because I love the mission behind Bethany Busy Bee and how well they have taken care of my children. I’ve learned so much from so many of the wonderful staff and I love Joyce and the heart she has for people. Bethany Busy Bee means so much to our family and we wanted to help out however we could. What I appreciate most about Bethany Busy Bee’s is the passion about showing Jesus to others. I like working at Bethany Busy Bee because I get to learn and grow closer to Jesus while doing things I love to do. It is a gift to care for others and give to other people what I feel has been given to me. I decided to work in Early Childhood Education because of all the ways my own children have benefited from Early Childhood Education. I love seeing the way they learn and grow and get to be around people who love Jesus. My viewpoint on working with kids is to know them by name and see their hearts grow and learn about the world in a safe place. If there was only one thing I’d like to be remembered by, it would be that I was a safe place and had a heart for Jesus. I went to Oklahoma State University and received a degree in Nutritional Sciences. I learned a lot about the development of children and the ways they are affected by nutrition and how they grow. I also worked for 10 years with a non-profit called Younglife and learned to live life with them and sought to show Jesus to them. I’m so excited for this new journey of working with younger kids. It will be a challenge and a joy all in one!
Erin Wright, Substitute Teacher
I’ve been working at Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center since 2016. The reason I started working at Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center was a growing interest in Early Childhood Education and the impact it can have on a person for their whole life! Having been a Busy Bee parent prior to teaching here, the thing I most appreciate about this program as a whole is its warm atmosphere where children and their families can find encouragement and support for the journey. What I most like about working at Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center is the play-based learning and developmentally appropriate practice under the umbrella of Christ-centered leadership. I started in Elementary Education and transitioned to Early Childhood Education due to observing my own 4 children while they were young and studying brain development in those critical periods, creating the building blocks necessary for life.
My philosophy in working with the kids in the classroom is about connection. I desire to learn the unique ways to connect to each child’s heart so that they can learn and grow as a whole person (socially, emotionally, spiritually, cognitively and physically). Learning should be a whole-body experience, engaging the 5 senses and the heart whenever possible. If there was only one thing, I’d like the kids to remember me by, it would be that I carried them to Jesus in little ways all throughout the year. If there was only one thing, I’d like the families to remember me by, it would be that I loved their child well. Other programs or activities I participate in where I interact with children in my free time are private guitar/piano lessons, Sunday School and Joyful Light Youth Theater. My education and qualifications are: Elementary Teaching License and continuing education units in Early Childhood. I taught for 9 years before teaching at Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center in few different capacities: Music, K, 1st & 4th grade.
Jennifer Perry, Administrative Assistant
I started working at Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center as a teacher assistant in the fall of 2018. I have three children in their teens. I really enjoyed my children’s birth to preschool ages and miss that special time in their lives! They grow and change so much between those ages and it is so much fun to see the world through their eyes. It is important to instill the fun and love of learning at a young age so that they can carry that through their entire educational journey in life. The partnership between teachers and families is also very important. It helps children see how valuable and important their education is when teachers and families work together to support them. I look forward to a wonderful school year ahead working, partnering, growing and learning with all of you and your special children you share with me!
Jessica Phelps, Office Assistant handling Student Payments and Student Paperwork
I have worked at Bethany Busy Bee since February 2019. I have 2 children that attended Bethany Busy Bee when they were younger and adore the caring teachers and their love of God. Each day at Bethany Busy Bee is an adventure. I handle the payments received, the billing, the student paperwork and files, and help anywhere else where I am needed. I loved Bethany Busy Bee while my children where here and it’s a great place to be and work now.