Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center


It is our desire to provide a balanced education for the children at Bethany Busy Bee by incorporating the following goals in our program.


It is our deep desire that each child feel loved, respected and honored. Their independence and self confidence will be strengthened as we help each one realize that she/he is valued and competent.


Bethany Busy Bee provides children with a solid foundation for success in life-long learning. Our goal is to provide a positive, engaging and challenging environment with opportunities for the children to learn as much as they can. They will be regularly engaged in solving problems, sorting, classifying, comparing, counting and making patterns for printing.


We strive to offer appropriate opportunities that will aid the children in developing both gross motor and fine motor skills – from balance, throwing and kicking to cutting and writing.


Our overall goal is to help each child develop good interpersonal relationships, learning to work out conflicts and interact with others in a positive way. We emphasize cooperative play situations because we believe that communication and socialization skills are high priorities for the young child. Preschoolers are beginning to learn self-control and how to follow rules and routines.


God loves us and cares for us, and so we seek to show and reinforce HIS love towards each student and family we meet. Our desire is to partner with the parents in providing spiritual training, teaching the children to love God; and to know and follow the truth found in His Word, the Bible. Psalm 119:105  This is an integral part of Bethany Busy Bee’s program.