Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center


Fundraising and grants are a significant resource for Bethany Busy Bee, as we strive to keep our tuition and fees affordable. Our income from tuition and fees covers about 90% of our operational expenses, so other streams of revenue are essential.

We utilize the fundraisers to cover the costs of materials, food, prizes, and personnel for the family programs provided such as: the monthly Lunch & Learn (which consists of speaker, brunch, and free child care), the fall festival, Thanksgiving Feast, Christmas Program, Rodeo Days, Art Gala Night, Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad,  and Pizza with the Pastors.

For several years the grant from the Temple Hoyne Buell Foundation which provides tuition assistance for families with extenuating circumstances, has required Busy Bee to obtain matching funds.  We raise these matching funds through various fundraising efforts.

Like everything else, we understand everyone is different and not everyone likes all the fundraisers or to fundraise at all.  Therefore, we have various fundraisers available so hopefully there is one that every family likes.  You do not have to participate on all fundraisers but you are certainly welcome to participate in all that you like.  And if you prefer to opt out of all the fundraisers, you may donate $100 to opt out.

Some of our fundraising efforts are through:

  • King Soopers Community Rewards makes fund-raising easy by donating 5% to Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center based on the shopping you do everyday. Once you link your card to Bethany Evangelical Free Church (Bethany Busy Bee does business under the church’s name), all you have to do is shop at King Soopers and swipe your King Soopers’ Card or enter your Alt ID!  You enroll once and then there’s nothing else you need to do ever again. The rewards come to both you and Busy Bee as you shop.
    • To Enroll for Community Rewards Program:
      1. Simply use this link to King Soopers community rewards and click on Enroll Now  to enroll/select an organization.
      2. Search by name using “Bethany Evangelical Free Church” for Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center.

      If you do not have an account created (your King Sooper’s Card registered with their website) you can “create an account” to register your King Sooper’s card.  Then you enroll for Community Rewards by following the 2 steps above.

      Easy piecee, batta bing, batta boom!   Thanks for helping Bethany Busy Bee while you shop!

  • Butterbraid Sales- prior to Christmas Break and prior to Easter.
  • Walkathon ~ simply collect sponsor donations and have them pay with this link:  Under “Give”, fill in the amount, then select “Busy Bee Donation” for Walkathon Sponsorships.  You will receive an email confirmation of your payment. Please forward your email confirmation of your payment to the school office email: with a message describing the payment for Walkathon. Walkathon sponsorship forms will go in the student’s cubby.  The class that raises the most funds receives a Pizza Class Party!  
  • Trike-a-thon – simply collect sponsor donations and have them pay with this link:  Under “Give”, fill in the amount, then select “Busy Bee Donation” for Trike-a-thon Sponsorships. You will receive an email confirmation of your payment. Please forward your email confirmation of your payment to the school office email: with a message describing the payment for Trike-a-thon. Trike-a-thon sponsorship forms will go in the student’s cubby.  The class that raises the most funds receives a Pizza Class Party!  
  • Online Silent Auction – We collect donations of items or services from businesses and make it available for you online the week before Thanksgiving break and close the auction on Friday, the last day of school before Thanksgiving break.  Parents have an entire week to view and bid.  Bid closes at 6pm on Friday.  Parents may bid on great items offered.

 Any and all ideas and assistance are welcomed and greatly appreciated!  We are truly grateful and thankful for all your support.