Providing a space for moms to be restored and rejuvenated in their relationship with Jesus through Solitude and Community
The Reason Behind Moms on Mission:
I hear so many moms frequently talk about their lack of time to sit with Jesus or be alone with him at all. And even when they are, they can’t get their mind to stop or rest. We have so many things telling us how to be the “perfect” moms, and how to do parenting correctly; while at the end of the day, Jesus is the only one that can calm our minds, and restore our souls.
We can look at all the self help books, the best ways to manage our own overstimulation through ideas on Instagram or whatever social platform we use, but none of it will be enough. When we are able to rest in Jesus, and truly sit with him to center ourselves back on who he created us to be, we can love and raise our kids with the love and compassion he has for them.
The hope behind Moms on Mission is to provide a space where moms can almost re-learn how to rest with Jesus. That may look like walks along the canal, sitting outside alone, drinking a warm cup of coffee alone, or journaling and reading your Bible. The hope is moms will be able to see Jesus isn’t confined to a particular type of solitude, but rather meets us in the season we are in.