Now Enrolling For 2025-2026
Accepting applications for the school year 2025-2026, see below for school openings : 2025-2026 Registration Form-fillable
2025-2026 School Year
Enrollment Eligibility
In order to attend Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center, children must be between 18 months old and 7 years old by October of the current school year. Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center is a UPK provider for children that turn 4 by October 1st. We also participate with Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP).
Bethany Busy Bee accepts children ages 1½ years to 7 years old by October 1st of the current school year. Bethany Busy Bee complies with applicable federal and state civil rights laws and does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, ethnic or national origin, ancestry, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, religion, creed, political beliefs, or disability, treatment or participation in, or receipt of the services and benefits under any of its programs, services and activities in enrollment.
If a class is currently full you may request to be put on the waitlist. Please fill out a registration form and then email it to stating that you wish to be put on the waitlist pending an available opening for a designated class. You will not need to pay for the Registration Fee until your spot is guaranteed. 2024-2025 Registration Form-fillable
School Tour
You may contact the school office at 303-468-9521 to schedule a tour of the school or to answer any questions regarding registration.
School Openings for 2025-2026 school year as of 2/5/25.
Must be the listed age for each classroom by October 1st to enroll.
- (5-7 years old) Kindergarten – 2 spots available
- (18 months – 24 months) Toddler openings: 5 on Mon, 5 on Tue, 4 on Wed, 6 on TH, 6 on Fri.
- (2 1/2 – 3 years old) MWF Mrs. Fallt’s class– 1 spot available & TTH class – 6 spots available
- (3 – 4 years) MWF Mrs. Fenoglio’s class – 5 spots available & TTH class – 5 spots available
- (2 1/2 – 5 years old) Friday MDO – 1 spot available
2025-2026 UPK/ School Year Openings:
If your child will be 4 on October 1, 2025, you are eligible for free preschool through UPK. Please go to their website Universal Preschool Colorado | Colorado Department of Early Childhood and sign up for 10 to 15 hours at Busy Bee in 2025-2026. Lunch bunch can be included as part of your hours, if desired.
- ( 4-5 years old) Mrs. Mack’s T/TH class – has a waitlist available ; MWF class has a waitlist available
- (4-5 years old) Mrs. Hammer’s MWF class – has a waitlist available ; TTH class – has a waitlist available
- (3 – 4 years is a younger class but accepts UPK as well as long as the child is 4 by Oct 1st) MWF Mrs. Fenoglio’s class – 5 spots available & TTH class – 5 spots available
They are still class openings for this current school year 2024-2025:
- 2 spots available: TTH Mrs. Fenoglio (3 to 4 yr olds) qualifies for UPK
- 3 spots available: TTH Mrs. Aranda (4 to 5 yr olds) qualifies for UPK
Step One: Complete a Registration Form to save a spot in a classroom.
2025-2026 Registration Form-fillable Next school year.
2024-2025 Registration Form-fillable This school year, we still have openings.
Please completely fill out the Registration Form and return it to the school office or email it to
The Registration Fee is a one time, non-refundable fee of $200 for one child or $300 per family. This fee is submitted with the Registration Form(s) at the time of registration. This fee holds the space in the class for the student and does not apply toward tuition. Your child is registered (spot in the classroom is secured) after the registration form and payment is received.
You will still need to complete additional enrollment forms (please see Step Two below), pay the last month’s tuition by August 1st, and pay the first month’s tuition by September 1st. Parent Orientation is held Tuesday & Wednesday, the first full day of school is Thursday & Friday after Labor Day.
We do accept waiting list in all of our classes, as circumstances do change from now and the beginning of the school year.
Registration is on a first come basis. If you have a particular class request, please register early!
Step Two: Additional Required Enrollment Forms
Complete the enrollment forms below. Please return all forms as soon as possible after you Registered your child, before the end of May.
According to Colorado state law, these forms must be on file before the child’s first day of school. There is no grace period for compliance, therefore if we do not have the form on file, the child cannot attend class until we do.
Human Services requires schools to have the following forms completed and signed for each child’s file every year prior to the child starts school:
1. Student Information & Permission Form—This information helps the teacher get to know the students with their interests and struggles. I also provides us with your permission for: using the stairs to go to the gym; watching occasional short videos that are appropriate to the current curriculum; including your child’s name and photo in the end of year books, posting your child’s photo, in an unidentified group picture, on Bethany Busy Bee’s facebook or web site; and, provides sunscreen requirements.
2025-2026 Student Information Permission Form-fillable
2024-2025 Student Information Permission Form-fillable
2. Emergency Card—This form indicates who to call in an emergency – family, friends, doctor, dentist, hospital, etc. and gives permission for field trips. It also provides the hospital authorization to treat your child should it ever be necessary. We need a form for each school year, even if the information has not changed. Please up-date us through the year with any changes with this form should anything change.
Student Emergency Card Same form for every year.
3. Physical Form—This form must be signed and dated by the doctor. The child must have had a physical within the last 12 months for the child to attend school.
General Health Appraisal Form with Doctor’s signature and date within past 12 months. Same form for every year.
4. Immunization Record—This must be current (includes most recent vaccination received), signed and dated by a medical professional, or signed by a parent claiming an exemption.
Colorado Certificate of Immunization Same form for every year.
Immunization Certificate of Medical Exemption Same form for every year.
Immunization Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption Same form for every year.
New 2025-2026 Parent Handbook and Acknowledgement Form will be posted over the summer.
Parent Handbook 2024-2025
Parent Handbook 2024-2025 Acknowledgement Form
6. Allergy Instructions – for all children that list an allergy.
Mild Allergy and Food Sensitivity Form Same form for every year
7. Medication Administration Instructions for school– If an Epi pen or other medication is required to treat an allergy. The completed forms along with the medication with its original box and original prescription attached to it.
Allergy Forms to be completed by your child’s Doctor with administration instructions Same form for every year
Contact Joyce or the school office if you have questions. Our phone number is 303-468-9521, and our email is
Step Three: Meet Your Teacher, a Home Visit and Parent-Teacher Conference
Bethany Busy Bee has the best interest of each child and works on providing the best classroom situation for every child. We work on balancing our classrooms in a variety of ways – including boys and girls, good friendships and an appropriate age range. Please know we will make every effort to honor your requests as class lists are finalized.
You will be contacted by your child’s teacher sometime in August to schedule a home visit which is the first parent-teacher conference. Visits can be scheduled either at Bethany Busy Bee or at the child’s home, so the child can meet the teacher in a comfortable setting. This visit allows the teacher to learn a bit about the child’s interests and abilities, what might be hard for them, how they are best comforted, etc. to be able to provide your child the best experience possible; and, answer questions about the beginning of school.
Bethany Busy Bee Parent Orientation is held Tuesday & Wednesday, the first day of school is Thursday & Friday after Labor Day.
Thank you for letting us serve you. Please feel free to call if you have any questions.
Joyce Bertram, Director