Serving as a Family through Community Service
Bethany Busy Bee is partnering with other agencies to provide various opportunities for families to serve, invest, or volunteer with them. Research suggests that involvement in these activities builds awareness and compassion for others, decreasing depression and increasing a sense of fulfillment through meaning and purpose.
- At the beginning of school, we collect backpacks for the children served by Open Door Ministries.
- In mid-September, parents sign up to bring a meal to show our thanks to the Firemen and Policemen that will come by to give the kids a presentation in late September/early October.
- In October, we collect items for Samaritan’s Purse (Operation Christmas Child). Please see this link for their official website Operation Christmas Child. What a blessing to be a part of this annual project to give shoeboxes of simple gifts to children in need across the world. Compared to those children, we have so much to be grateful for. Each child only receives one box in their life, as they try to offer an opportunity to everyone each year to reach the most children. To make things simple, consider bringing several of one or two items to go in the shoeboxes.
- In November, we pack the boxes for Operation Christmas Child with the items we collected such as school supplies, toiletries and toys to be distributed to children in third world countries. There is such a huge need that children only receive a gift like this once in their life. Bring your donations to the collection bin at the foyer.
- In December, we review the Bible story of “Jesus feeding the 5000” and create emergency kits for families to share with homeless/people in need. Bring your donations to the collection bin at the foyer.
- In January, Baby Bottle Drive where families collect spare change in baby bottles for alternative pregnancy resources.
- In February, we have the students create Valentines to encourage Nursing Home Residents to bring them cheer and God’s love.
- In March, children will make an Act of Kindness gift bag with a special item and hand them out to someone they choose to brighten their day with their Act of Kindness. Families may add to the bag to personalize the bag for the person the child chooses to give it to (grandma, neighbor, a cousin, a friend, etc.).
- In April, we partner with the Denver Rescue Mission to provide diapers and wipes for their single mothers to assist with their expenses.
- In May, we offer “Free” Swap n Shop where families may bring their gently used items that they no longer need. All families (even if they do not bring anything) get to look through all the items brought and see if they can use any of the items and take it home with them for FREE. There is no fee and all items that remain after will be sent to the Arc, therefore please take as many items as you are able to use.
Please remember that all events held at Busy Bee are an opportunity to participate, it is never an obligation simply an invitation!
To sign up for any of our volunteer opportunities please go to our “Volunteering” page or click on this link: Volunteering
Thank you for joining with us to serve! If you have any other suggestions on how you feel Bethany Busy Bee families and students may serve please email us at