In efforts to provide a high quality preschool education, Bethany Busy Bee Preschool is affiliated with the following organizations that audit practices, methods, tools, equipment, staff experience and training, parent involvement, communication, and, rules and regulations that are offered at our program. Busy Bee is rated as Level 5 (out of 5 possible levels) program by Colorado Shines, previously known as Qualistar. We participate in the Colorado Shines Quality Rating Plan where parent surveys and feedback are utilized to establish the rating. Busy Bee utilizes TS Gold to record observations and document individual child assessments throughout the school year. We are accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International and associated with the Early Childhood Christian Director’s Association. Busy Bee is licensed by the State of Colorado.
Bethany Busy Bee Preschool is a Qualistar Rated Program now known as Colorado Shines, accredited by the Association of Christian Schools International and associated with the Early Childhood Christian Director’s Association. It is licensed by the State of Colorado.
Bethany Busy Bee Qualistar Rated now known as Colorado Shines
Information obtained directly from
What does this mean?
The Qualistar Rating™ is Colorado’s Quality Rating System (QRS) that measures the quality of child care programs in Colorado on a provisional to 4-Star scale. The Qualistar Rating™ is an important part of Colorado’s child care Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS).
The benefits of high quality early learning experiences for children appeal to both early childhood programs and families. By participating in the Qualistar Rating™ programs receive a detailed Quality Performance Profile© (QPP) that includes strengths and areas for improvement specific to their program and classrooms. Families benefit by accessing the program’s Quality Rating Report and by gaining an understanding of the components contributing to quality early learning experiences. This helps parents make more informed choices on the type of care they would like for their child.
In the Qualistar Rating™ process, programs are evaluated on five different quality components. These components include:
Learning Environment
A total of 10 quality points can be earned for the Learning Environment component, and points are awarded based on average scores obtained through the ECERS-R©, ITERS-R© or FCCERS-R© observation. Classroom observations are unannounced and can occur any time during the scheduled one-month observation window. However, programs can identify dates (if needed) that do not represent a typical day (e.g. a fieldtrip, head teacher has a scheduled absence). The Quality Rating Specialist will not conduct an observation on these dates.
Family Partnerships
A total of 10 quality points can be earned for Family Partnerships. The point value for this Qualistar Rating™ component is calculated based on scores from family partnerships questionnaires and program documentation. For early learning programs to receive points, at least 60 percent of the questionnaires distributed must be returned. For family child care programs, 75 percent of questionnaires distributed must be returned.
Training and Education
A total of 10 quality points can be earned for Training and Education. Points are awarded to teachers, family child care providers, and center administrators based on their highest level of professional development and amount of work experience, with criteria separated by position.
Adult-to-Child Ratios and Group Size
A total of 10 quality points can be earned for Adult-to-Child Ratios and Group Size. Eight points can be earned for Ratios and two points can be earned for Group Size. The point value for this Qualistar Rating™ component is calculated by tracking the average ratios and average group size in each classroom. Eight ratio and group size counts are taken for full-day programs and four ratio and group size counts are taken for part-day programs.
A total of two points can be earned for Accreditation. Points are awarded to early learning programs that are accredited by a nationally recognized early childhood organization. Accrediting bodies currently recognized in the Qualistar Rating™ include:
- National Association for the Education of Young Children
- National Association of Family Child Care
- The Council on Quality and Leadership for People with Disabilities
- Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
Total Points required for each star level:
Provisional = 0-9 points OR Learning Environment Score of 0
Star 1 = 10-17 points
Star 2 = 18-25 points
Star 3 = 26-33 points
Star 4 = 34-42 points
Bethany Busy Bee was awarded a 4 Star Qualistar Rating. Peer reviewed by Qualistar since 2009.
Bethany Busy Bee Colorado Shines Rated-Level 5
Colorado Shines Level 5 until we are rated again in 2023.
Information about our rating may be obtained directly
Colorado Shines, a quality rating and improvement system, is used to assess, improve and communicate the level of quality in early care and education programs. Colorado Shines assigns a quality rating to licensed early care and education programs, similar to rating systems for other service-related industries like hotels and restaurants.
- Colorado Shines helps families find high-quality child care and early learning programs that fit theirs and their children’s needs.
- Colorado Shines does not incur a cost to families.
- Choosing child care is an important decision. Families deserve to know their children are in quality child care environments that foster a love of learning, promote each child’s unique skills, cultures, and support the development of the whole child.
- Participating child care and early learning programs receive free resources and training to improve the quality of their programs and there is no additional cost to families. Funding comes from the state of Colorado through two federal grants: Child Care Development Fund and Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge grant.
Colorado Shines, Colorado’s quality rating and improvement system (QRIS), is required for licensed child care providers supporting children prior to entering kindergarten and helps early learning programs offer high-quality care. It offers supports and resources to child care providers so they may support each child’s learning and development. Research shows this kind of assistance helps providers improve the quality of their programs. When more young children are ready for school, we all benefit.
- Colorado Shines rates the quality of programs on a scale of 1 to 5.
- At level 1, licensed child care programs must meet Colorado’s licensing requirements for health and safety.
- Programs with higher ratings have strong classroom instruction, training for staff and family engagement to support children’s success.
- Participants who are working on or who have been rated Level 2 are recognized as “Participating in Quality Improvement.”
- Child care programs rated at Levels 3, 4, or 5 are recognized as having achieved “High Quality.”
Did you know that there are only about 2,000 days between the day a child is born and the first day they begin school?
In this short time, 80% of a child’s intellect, personality, and social skills are developed. Those skills and personality traits continue to develop as kids grow. High quality early childhood programs allow children to experience stimulating interactions in safe and healthy environments. Quality interactions facilitate up to 700 neural connections every second during these early years.
This is why it is important for everyone – parents, grandparents, friends and neighbors – to help Colorado kids develop and start on a path to success.
(Information adapted from the First Five Years Organization)
The Colorado Shines Quality Rating and Improvement System is a part of child care licensing for early childhood programs in Colorado. Programs that choose to be assessed, as a high quality program (quality level 3, level 4, and level 5) will have an onsite visit to score the program in the following quality standards:
- Child Health – Children have healthy snacks and meals. Higher quality programs will also track children’s development to make sure they are growing and learning. The tracking helps guide activities geared to benefit children the most.
- Workforce Qualifications and Professional Development – Well-trained, responsive and effective teachers are essential to a high-quality early education program.
- Learning Environment – Children have toys and activities to teach them new skills. The setting is clean.
- Family Engagement and Relationships – Parents and providers are partners in the child’s early learning and care.
- Leadership/Management – Strong leadership and business practices are critical to maintaining high quality early education programs.
Bethany Busy Bee is ACSI Accredited
Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
Information obtained directly from
ACSI Schools: The Best Choice for Your Child
A Christian education at an ACSI member school will help your child grow spiritually, academically, and culturally. In fact, the recent Cardus Education Survey and other education studies show that ACSI schools better develop the whole child than any other type of school.
ACSI accreditation is a highly effective way for a Christian school/program to evaluate itself in light of its unique educational mission. An authentic Christian school/program may be thought of as involving the four interwoven educational strands of (1) academic ideas and thinking; (2) skills for life and living; (3) biblical worldview grounding; and (4) personal character, values, and spiritual formation. The self-study process guides a school/program to evaluate and reflect on all it does in light of this distinctive, four-pronged mission.
Accreditation and school improvement assist schools in changing for the better in an orderly and systematic way. They bring a vigorous dynamic into the school by engaging every school constituent in a process of organizational appraisal.
Bethany Busy Bee is licensed by the State of Colorado: #47043
It is the policy of the Colorado Department of Human Services to promote and encourage child care in environments that contribute to the safety, health, protection and well-being of children. To verify compliance with standards intended to ensure such an environment, the State Department requires thorough and ongoing appraisals of child care facilities, persons working in the child care profession, and the nature of care provided.
Colorado’s child care licensing laws give the Division of Early Care and Learning responsibility for licensing and monitoring approximately 9,000 child care facilities of all types. These include child care homes and centers, pre-school and school-age child care programs, summer camps, residential child care facilities, and child placement agencies. Criminal background checks are conducted on all child care providers and staff, as well as checks against the Judicial Department’s ICON database to determine court dispositions.
To facilitate parents’ involvement in monitoring and making decisions about licensed facilities, the Division makes licensing histories of child care facilities available to the public. On average, more than 1,900 licensing histories are reviewed annually. The licensing program is also responsible for enforcement when consumers report providers in the community for operating a child care home or facility without a license.
The Division provides technical assistance to child care providers and establishes educational and experience requirements for child care providers in all facilities. Persons seeking employment as a director or substitute director for a large child care center must meet specific educational and experience requirements in accordance with rules established by the State Board of Human Services.
For more information, please visit