Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center

Resources and other Events

Resources for Developmental Support 

Developmental Screenings: Busy Bee uses the Ages and Stages Questionnaire as a first step in looking closely at a child’s growth, learning and development.  This Developmental Screening provides valuable insight about a child’s cognitive, motor, communication and social-emotional development.  Screenings are helpful because they identify a child’s current understanding of concepts and assist in helping early learning professionals build an educational baseline from which to begin planning. Screening results can help to connect children at risk of developmental delay to community resources and supports for further evaluation or to determine eligibility for services. The screening results will be shared with families and remain confidential. If your child is in need of additional evaluation, we will work with your family to ensure that you are connected to the appropriate resource within the community. 

 Screening results will inform our educational planning and will be used to individualize and enhance the learning environment.  Family participation and input is a valuable aspect of the developmental screening process. We look forward to partnering with you in the developmental screening process.  

Trauma & Adversity: Trauma is a response in someone’s mind, body, behavior and emotions after something distressing or disturbing happens. In may be due to adversity (difficulties or misfortune). Each child reacts to trauma differently, but experiencing some form of distress is how it shows up. Children exposed to trauma may display heightened aggression, poor social skills, and impulsivity, struggle academically, and engage in risk-taking behaviors with serious consequences.  Childhood trauma, when left unaddressed, may interfere with children’s learning and development. When early care and learning settings acknowledge, understand, and address the impacts of childhood trauma on children and their families, children are more likely to develop healthy relationships, display resilience, and experience positive outcomes. Trauma-informed practices work to support children’s capacity to learn and caregiving adults’ capacity to attend to their own trauma responses.  Behavior has meaning, usually people are doing the best they can in the moment. If actions, emotions or words feel unexpected, challenging or surprising, our best response is to be curious.  Our staff is required to take Trauma & Adversity Training to better partner with families in observing and communicating unusual behaviors that may indicate a concern. Below are several resources that are used to partner with parents to address concerns.

Coping with Disaster

Children’s Response Crisis

 All Health Network  303-730-8858 All Health Network and Developmental Pathways provide early childhood consultation and screenings for social, emotional and behavioral concerns. In addition, intervention services can be requested for families.

Arapahoe County Early Childhood Council Family Resources  (720-974-9637) offers a FREE SafeCare in-home program to learn how to:
 Reduce challenging child behaviors
 Increase positive time with your child
 Remove common household safety hazards
 Identify and respond to common child sicknesses or injuries
 Engage your child in simple activities

Child Find Child Find offers free assessments for children birth to 5 years of age. Parents who have concerns about their child’s development in the areas of motor, social skills, concepts and/or speech and language should
call: Littleton 303-347-3469, Englewood 303-781-7585, Douglas County 303-387-6081, Denver 303-405-6601, Cherry Creek 720-747-2906

Developmental Pathways   Offers free assessments for children of any age including 6 years and older. Parents who have concerns about their child’s development in the areas of motor, social skills, concepts and/or speech and language

Request a Specialist at Bethany Busy Bee

Bethany Busy Bee is able to connect you with a specialist for any of the following:

  • Speech & Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Social/Emotional Therapy
  • Family Therapy, Learning Therapy
  • Hearing, Vision, & Dental

Please complete the form below and submit it to the Director to start the process.

2024-2025 Specialist Request Form-fillable
Colorado Early Childhood Mental Health Support Line
Helping parents and other caregivers support the well-being of young children.

The Early Childhood Mental Health Support Line is a no-cost, confidential resource for anyone who cares for children under six. The support line can help you to better understand and support the well-being of the young children in your care, including children who may currently be struggling.  The Early Childhood Mental Health Support Line connects you to an experienced consultant who can discuss your needs, help you identify support resources, and refer you to a team in your area.

Early Learning Mental Health Consultation 
Colorado Crisis Services – 844-493-TALK (8255)
Children with Autism’s Night Out
Conscious Discipline Videos and Resources
Focus on the Family Parenting Resources
Focus on the Family Marriage Resources
Arapahoe Libraries Literacy/Parenting Resources
Douglas County ESL, Citizenship and other classes
Littleton Language, Citizenship and other classes
Colorado Department of Education Parent and Family Resources
Resources for Literacy:
Learning Through Play for Colorado’s Families and Caregivers:
The Playbook
Family and Kids Events:
Denver Mile Hi Things to Do for Family and Kids
Free Days at Museums and Zoo
Story Time and other Kids Activities:
Littleton Library Story Time and Activities
Douglas County Story Time and other activities
Denver Public Libraries Story Time and other kids activities

Nutrition Resources
Health and Human Services Nutrition and Fitness Resources

Physical Fitness:
I Am Moving, I Am Learning
Highlands Ranch Recreational Center
Foothills Park and Recreation
South Suburban Park and Recreation

Assistance Medical, Food, Childcare:
Colorado PEAK Assistance Program
Food Banks
Colorado Child Care Assistance Program (CCCAP)
Health Insurance Tri-Fold – Arapahoe County
Resource Guide to Home Medical & Screening  – Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center

If you do not have a doctor and may need financial assistance to pay for a doctor, you may visit STRIDE Community Health Center (303) 360-6276 with several locations,  3515 S Delaware St.
Englewood, CO 80110 or 17866 Cottonwood Dr. Parker, CO 80134. They charge based on your income and accept Medicaid. They also offer dental services.

Free Children’s Learning/Games Websites:
Nick Jr.
Disney Junior

Job Opportunities:
Workforce Center Connecting Colorado
Metro Denver Jobs