Bethany Busy Bee Early Learning Center’s success in offering a quality, preschool education in a loving, Christian environment benefits from the partnership with parents and the church.
We offer various opportunities for parents to partner with Bethany Busy Bee to enhance their child’s preschool experience. The special events we offer are truly more special when parents are around to share the moment. Parents are invited to volunteer one hour each month, or 9 hours each school year. There are a variety of ways to meet these hours, depending on your interests, abilities and availability. If you have a special talent that you would like to help with but it is not listed, please speak with the Director.
We also have several opportunities for parents to lead or act as in an advisory role in the following areas: Governance Team as a parent representative, Samaritan’s Purse, Silent Auction, Fall Festival, Rodeo Days, Thanksgiving Feast, Room Parent, or Teacher Appreciation.
Parent Participation and Volunteer Opportunities are available throughout the school year. You may choose from School Wide Special Events, Reoccurring Needs, Classroom Specific Needs, and participating in school fundraisers by attending and/or providing food, beverage or cash donations.
In lieu of donating your time, you may make an equivalent tax deductible gift to Bethany Busy Bee.
Below is a list of Volunteer Opportunities available to support Bethany Busy Bee throughout the school year. We use Sign Up Genius to provide volunteer opportunities that may better match your time and interest. Simply press on the link to view what we need help with on each event and/or sign up.
Classroom helper ~ Assist in a classroom
Fire Safety Talk/Collect a Meal-September 18th & 19th ~ Collect a Meal for Firefighters
Walk-a-thon-September 25th & 26th ~ Walk-a-thon Volunteers
Police Visit/Collect a Meal-September 30th & October 1st ~ Collect a Meal for Police
School Pictures-October 23-25th ~ Photo Day Volunteers
Fall Festival-October 30th & 31st ~ Fall Festival Volunteers
Operation Christmas Child-November 6th & 7th ~ Operation Christmas Child @ Busy Bee
Vision Screening-November 13th & 14th ~ Vision Volunteers
Thanksgiving Feast-November 20th-21st ~ Thanksgiving Feast Volunteers
Rodeo Days-January 22nd-24th ~ Rodeo Day Volunteers
Pepperoni Pizza & Pajama Day Helper-February 19th-21st ~ Pizza & Pajama Day Volunteers
Trike-a-thon-March 5th-6th ~ Trike-A-Thon Volunteers
Dental Screening-March 10th & 11th ~ Dental Volunteers
Swap-n-Shop April 7th-11th ~ Swap-n-Shop Volunteers
Easter Celebrations-April 16th & 17th (& 11th MDO) ~ Teachers may request one volunteer per class to help hide the eggs if needed.
School Pictures-March 12th-14th ~ Photo Day Volunteers
Art Gala-April 21st-25th ~ Art Gala Volunteers
Special Olympics Young Athlete’s Day-April 30th & May 1st ~ Special Olympics Young Athletes Day Volunteers
Teacher Appreciation Week-May 5th-9th ~ Teacher Appreciation Week Volunteers
- We would love to have someone partner with us or spearhead a special celebration for the teachers. In the past we have done a teacher’s brunch and everyone brought something to share. Or we also had a parent spearhead an entire week of special surprises for the teachers with the help of other parents. If you have an idea, please see Joyce or someone in the preschool office to help coordinate this with you and the other parents.
Lunch & Learn/Parent Educational Speaker bringing a dish to share which counts for 1 hour of volunteer.
Washing Toys in the playground and matts in the Gym once a week from 8:45-9:45 am – Washing Toys Sign Up
Silent Auction: You may receive the summer camp for your kids free when you volunteer for 2 days of the camp. Or you may come help for a couple of hours any day during the camps and count it towards your 9 volunteer hours for the school year. You may also come volunteer during lunch bunch while your kid(s) attend free lunch bunch.
Areas assistance is needed:
- Email Contacts/Businesses requesting donations
- Call Contacts/Businesses requesting donations
- Follow up with contacts that stated they will donate but we have not received the donation.
- Follow up with contacts that we have not received any response.
- Add more contact information on our list
- Send a physical thank you card to contacts who’s donation we have received.
- Collect/research retail value for items we have received with no retail value.
- Respond to emails and update the silent auction database with the email response.
- Pick up donations that need to be picked up.
- Go to businesses and personally request donations.
- Sorting cash and carry into gift baskets.
- Pricing cash and carry.
- Printing signage for the silent auction.
- Setting up for the event
- Cleaning up after the Silent Auction
2025 Summer Volunteer Opportunities:
June 17th-20th – Vacation Bible School – Downloaded the fillable form, fill it out, and email (bbpstaff@bethanybusybee.org) it back to us with the areas you would like to help volunteer for Vacation Bible School. Please put your name, phone#, and email down for any of the areas you would be willing to help in by using the following form to sign-up to volunteer: Staff Volunteers VBS 2025