Mrs. Bertram Director’s Newsletter

Photo Jan 14, 1 56 23 AM (1) Joyce Bertram, School Director 

I have been the Director at Bethany Busy Bee since 2001, after serving several years as a substitute and teacher.  I have a Masters Degree in Education and was at the University of Illinois for 13 years as the coordinator for training for people in the field of disabilities.  We moved to Colorado in 1996 to be near family.  I have been married to Dan since 1984 and we have 3 children, Liz in Seattle with a graduate degree from Mars Hill; Daniel here in the Denver area with a degree from the University of Colorado; and, Sam now a graduate of Arapahoe High School and at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois.  In addition, my family includes Dan’s two older children who live in the Midwest with their families; and, Bev & Shannon who have lived with us since 1990.  I am involved with Moms in Prayer and at Bethany with Women’s Ministry, the Disability Ministry, and Early Childhood programs.   It is a privilege and delight to be serving you and your children.


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